Success Mastery Academy

Mastering Your Financial Freedom – Accountability System

1 Day Seminar

Every day you get up and go to work to make money.  Every month you get paid and it seems you can never make enough; things are just getting more and more expensive.  And yet you see people driving expensive and exclusive cars, living in beautiful houses, you see great parents that can provide more for their children than they ever had; parents who set up their children for a life of not settling for saying, “Sorry, I cannot afford it”.

I have been doing that also for years and I make a lot of money, but I am still not living the life I want.  The scary thing is that I am a Chartered Accountant and Peak Performance Coach.  So as an accountant and coach surely I should know how to become rich?  You see, that is just my point.  Being able to make money does not mean you know how to become – and stay – rich.
I believe that success leaves clues.  Therefore I go to seminars and learn from the best people in the world.  The question is: who is living the life of your dreams and what are they doing that you are not?  If you are doing what they are doing, you should get the same results.
So what am I saying?  There is a way to become financially free and it is not how much money you can make.  Research has shown, over and over again, that people who win the lotto go back to the same financial position they were in before they won the lotto.  So it must be clear that the first step to financial freedom is mind-set.
But mind-set alone will not get you to financial freedom.  That is why, over the last 12 years as a coach and an accountant, I have developed the I E Pyramid of Success.

In the IE Pyramid of Success we focus on three core areas:

Coaching  |  Strategy  |  Accountability
I have used this success formula in both personal development and in building businesses.  But for the last two years something has really bothered me in both my own circumstances and that of my clients.  Why are we making money – some of us substantial money – but we are still not financially free?  I started studying really rich people, and not how they make money, because I have been doing that for many years.  Making money is easy but I wanted to know, how do they become financially free?
The day I discovered this, it was a moment of “of course that is the way!”  I realised that I have known this for many years but I was not mastering it.  The I E Pyramid of Success is exactly how all financially free people achieved financial freedom.  We are creatures of habit and we need to develop habits of becoming rich.

It is not the amount of money you earn that will make you financially free – it is what you do with your money.

I decided to develop a product to hold people accountable in order for them to build the right habits and become financially free.  I have taken what I have learned from all the books and seminars and used a system (the how) on what you need to do with your money.  I further brought in my accounting experience in order to hold people accountable for their financial freedom.
As accountants we are always focusing on doing books for businesses and individuals, mostly for the tax authorities.  That is backwards thinking and you can never become financially free with doing books like that.  If you want to be successful in something, you need to be held accountable.  For example, if you are on a diet and you don’t measure your results on a consistent basis, how do you know if it is working?  Some people say, “I feel better and my clothes are not tight”.  Well, that is a result!

So How Does The Mastering Your Financial Freedom – Accountability System work?

We first have to teach you how this all works and the thinking behind it.  You cannot form a financially free habit if you don’t know what you need to do.  For that we have created a 1 day Mastering Your Financial Freedom-Accountability System event to explain the system and how it works.  Just in this one day event you will find ways that will change you financial life forever.The second part is optional but highly recommended for long-lasting results.  We process your personal financial information and send you a Financial Freedom Accountability Report on a monthly basis to tell you how you are doing.  We also have regular 1 to 1 sessions with you to discuss your financial position.

Financial freedom is possible – take the first step today! 

Power Up your Greatness

With great success we have started and grown Power Up Groups in different cities all over South Africa. And we have many success stories coming out of these groups. So what is Power Up about ? it is all about discovering your Greatness and conditioning yourself to succeed.

1 Day Seminar

With great success we have started and grown Power Up Groups in different cities all over South Africa. And we have many success stories coming out of these groups. So what is Power Up about ? It is all about discovering your Greatness and conditioning yourself to succeed. It is what I am committed to do, all over the world. I am committed to helping people find their true self and then live the life of their dreams.

In addition to the Power Up Groups, we have the Power Up Your Greatness events in your city. Is this event for you ? Ask yourself the following questions, and if you answer no to any of these, join us for a Power Up Your Greatness event. It will transform your life.

Are you living the life you always wanted ?Does your bank balance reflect your work ?How important is your family to you ? Does it reflect in your time with them ?Are you settling in your life ? Or this the best you can do ?Is your business as great as you want it to be ?

Power Up your life and take the next step to your Greatness.

Be Successful In Business

5 Day Seminar

Johnny Eliades brings you the I E Business Academy, a 5 day business boot camp that will empower you to be great in business.  The programme is not for the faint hearted.  This is high energy intense training.  No holding back – come prepared. Johnny Eliades has been an entrepreneur for last 12 years, is a qualified Chartered Accountant and also a specialist in Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment.  He has studied the best coaches and motivational speaker in the world and has changed many lives.

Join the program that will set you up for success in business.

He will bring all his knowledge that he has gained from the mentors and coaches he has learned from in the past 12 years: Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Blair Singer, John Maxwell, James Malinchak, Les Brown and more. The IE Business Academy will teach you everything you know to start a successful business.

Leadership Academy

1 Day Seminar

How many times have you thought the following thoughts:
If only i had the right people on my team
i have to do everything myself
My people don’t care
often, people are missing the real issue, the real challenge within business, within their practices and that is all about leadership.

How to Develop Leadership Within Business to make Businesses Successful
Leadership is one of the most important aspects of business development.
Many times I’ve said that you have to have a mission, you have to have a purpose, you have to have the right organisational culture.  All these things are very important but if a company doesn’t have that, it means the leadership is not putting that in place. If you look at the systems within a business, the people that have been hired, how people operate, that is the culture of the business.  The leadership has to take responsibility for that.
So how do you develop great businesses?  By developing the leadership within that business.

The Course will Cover

How to develop Leadership
What is the difference between leadership and management
How do you get the right team?
How do you grow and develop people
How do you put people in great positions within a company.

High Energy, Full of Power, and Life Changing!

1 Day Seminar

Johnny Eliades will empower you by getting you to master your time. Have you had those times you work so hard but you feel that you are not achieving anything?

Time is the most precious commodity you have. It is the one thing you can never get back and it is the great equalizer among us all.
Don’t you deserve to live with the absolute certainty you’re getting the most from each moment?

What You Will Learn:

Your focus will be on the results that produce both achievement and fulfilment.You will learn to tap into your purpose or emotional drive for the leverage you need to follow through and achieve your plan, instead of just writing it down,it will guide you in creating a specific massive action plan where fulfilment becomes not simply a goal, but the experience of your life journey, with consistent use, the Within Time Management program will empower you to manage your time and consciously sculpt your life into the masterpiece that you deserve.Working harder is not the answer. It’s time to put your life to work for you at a whole new level.

Empower The People & Empower The Nation

In this educational. thought provoking and empowering course, Johnny covers the following topics:

BEE Technical:

1 Day Seminar

Introduction to BEE
Different categories of business
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Social Economic Development

BE Empowered Amended Codes

1 Day Seminar
BEE History and Overview
Why the changes?
The new B-BBEE elements
Threshold changes
New “Priority” elements
Step by step comparison: old and new scorecards
Fronting as a criminal offence
Transitional period
Implications for your business